Face Filling, Lip Filling and Nose Filling
Face Filling, Lip Filling and Nose Filling
Over the years, our skin loses its ability to be elastic, and wrinkles and sagging may occur. As a result of the use of facial expressions for years, lines can be seen on the skin surface. In addition, there are many other triggers of such problems in the skin. Skin wrinkles can occur due to many reasons such as exposure to sunlight, loss of hyaluronic acid in the skin, loss of moisture that should be under normal conditions, and this can cause the person to look older than they are. Filling injections offer an effective solution method for such negative results. The filler, which is injected under the skin using micro-injectors, provides the removal of wrinkles. Although the filling process varies according to the area applied, it can take between 10 and 20 minutes on average.
Which Filler Types Are Used in Filling Application?
These filling materials are very diverse today. Which of these will be applied is determined by the specialist physician in line with the wishes of the person.
Hyaluronic Acid Based Filling Materials
These types of filling materials are the most preferred filling materials both in our country and around the world. Hyaluronic acid is already present in the body and has tasks such as meeting the water needs of the cells, strengthening the cell bonds and thus tightening the skin. For this reason, there are no permanent side effects during application to the skin. Although effects such as redness and mild swelling can be experienced after the application, these symptoms are temporary and usually disappear within a few days. Apart from that, they do not cause an allergic condition. Hyaluronic acid can act as a sponge under the skin and hold more water than its own volume. In this way, it is effective in obtaining a healthier and tighter skin by maintaining the moisture content of the skin. Today, there are many types and brands of hyaluronic acid-based fillers. After taking the decision to apply, the most suitable one for you is determined by your doctor. Although its permanence varies from person to person, it differs between 9 and 12 months.
Synthetic Fillers
The main reason why synthetic filling materials are preferred is that their permanence is higher than other filling types. These fillers are also known as semi-permanent. Depending on the brand used and its physiological characteristics, a permanence of 2 to 3 years is provided. These types of synthetic fillings are basically divided into two. Firstly, those containing Poly L Lactic Acid increase collagen production more than other ingredients. For this reason, the permanence of this preferred synthetic filling material is at least 2 years. The probability of causing side effects such as foreign body reaction, redness and itching is higher than filling materials containing hyaluronic acid. Another type of synthetic filling is Calcium Hydroxylepatite-containing filling materials. The duration of this filling type, whose permanence varies widely, can vary between 1 year and 3 years. It is not possible to apply filling materials containing Calcium Hydroxylepatite, which is found in the bone structure and is relatively hard, to every region. It should be avoided especially in eye area and lip filling applications. The possibility of side effects in this filler applied to the deep tissue is higher than the fillers containing hyaluronic acid.
Is Filling Application a Painful Procedure?
Pain is relative. Since the micro-injectors used today have very fine tips, the pain has mostly disappeared during the filling application. In addition, most filling materials today contain anesthetic ingredients. However, pain reliever creams can be used at the request of the patient before the procedure is applied.
After Filling Application
The filling process is a relatively short procedure and if done in the right hands, it does not prevent the person from returning to his daily life. What happens after the process actually depends on the type of filling material used. If synthetic filling materials are used, the expectation of side effects will be higher. According to this, if hyaluronic acid is used, there is no expectation of side effects. Only temporary redness and swelling can be seen after the procedure. The time to achieve the desired appearance after the filling takes place in an average of 7 days.
Is Case Practice Risky and Dangerous?
The filling process is actually a risk-free procedure. However, when applied by non-experts and inexperienced people, it can lead to undesirable results. When applied by unqualified persons, results such as vascular damage, infection and bruising may occur. From this perspective, the importance of choosing the doctor and practice center is once again revealed.
Who Cannot Have Filling Application?
If there is a wound or an infected condition in the area where the filling will be applied, the filling is not applied. In addition, face and lip filling procedures are not applied to persons under the age of 18 for aesthetic purposes. Filling process can be applied safely in people over the age of 18.
Usage Areas of Filler Application
• In the removal of wrinkles,
• In the treatment of fine and deep lines,
• Around the mouth,
• In the upper lip lines,
• In the wrinkles between the two eyebrows due to the use of mimics,
• In the decollete area,
• Wrinkles and sagging on the hands,
• Around the lips